No one ever told me...
1. How little sleep you get as a momma! I am exhausted, and it has caused me to be impatient and grumpy. Especially daunting to working Mommas who wake up every three hours at night, and yet are required to wake up and perform as a professional....
which brings me to my next point...
2. How hard it is to wear so many "hats". I wear a Momma hat, wife hat, teacher hat, family hat, etc. It is difficult because when you wear so many hats, you fail to do well at any of them. The perfectionist in me hates that I am only surviving being a Momma, wife, sister, daughter, and teacher. I am not excelling or even feel successful at any of them.
My advice: One day at a time. I have found great refuge in good friends and help. Matt has really stepped up to being a great help! He puts the baby to sleep, takes the late shift at night so I can get some rest, my school has blessed me with allowing me to come in late or leave early, Grandparents have given Matt and I date nights, relatives and friends come over and allow me to rest. Take help and do not feel bad or regrettable in taking help. Be humble!
3. After birth, your lady parts and breasts are everyone's business. Aside from the 12 people that watched me push my baby out, I do not even bat an eye when I have to breastfeed in the car or in front of strangers. No more dignity.
4. How frustrating babies can be. I have yelled more than once "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?". Your biggest desire is to provide what your baby needs, and fix any problems they have, which is hard to fulfill if you have no idea what they need or want at any particular point. It is not their fault they can not tell you, and not your fault you do not know what they want. It is almost an accidental miscommunication you cannot fix. Very frustrating.
My advice: Pray first! Still frustrated? Walk away and ask your husband or someone to take him for a little. It is okay to admit defeat.
5. How important a support group or a good website is. You need support and information! If you have the time, find a Mommas play group or support group to become part of! Being able to relate and talk through problems is important in being a self-assessing and growing Momma.
My Advice: Maybe I take being a Mom too professionally, but being a Mom is the most important job I will ever have! If I do not have an answer I will Google, ask questions, and search until I have advice.
I LOVE the website: You can put in the birthdate of the baby and they will send updates, milestones, and activities to do with baby. I also have the app
That's all for now. I am hoping to upload a video of Micah soon and talk about our journey. It's been a strange one!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
Listening to Your Baby
I should have gone to the Lactation Consultant immediately. Breastfeeding was not as natural as they made it sound. I encourage all breastfeeding Mommas to take the class (probably provided by the hospital) to get basic knowledge, then use your resources! I went to the Breastfeeding Center in Canton. There are La Leche Leagues and Breastfeeding resources worldwide. Getting help does not mean you failed! It just means you are being humble and doing/getting what your baby needs!
Problem: I went to the Breastfeeding Center at my wits end. All I knew is "they" always said you should feed for 10 minutes on each breast. The BabyWise approach puts extra emphasis on this because you do not want them to snack but to get a full meal, which includes the caloric-rich Hindmilk. Micah was only feeding for 3-5 minutes on each breast, and then crying bloody-murder when I tried to get him to feed longer. This ended up in a stressed-out Mom, which caused Micah to stress, which caused more crying. Vicious Cycle!
Solution: The easiest thing was the solution, he was already full! He guzzles! We discovered this through weighing him before and after the feedings. He was getting plenty in those 3-5 minutes on each breast. I should have just listened to him! He would cry and push away to tell me he was done, but like the naive Mommy that I am, I thought the experts were right and did not listen to my baby. Lesson learned! My baby knows best and I need to listen to his cues!
New Problem: Listening to cues is my next big struggle with SLEEP! Micah fights sleep. He is overwhelmingly active. He never stops kicking and learning, which will result in a very smart baby and he is hitting milestones early, but my does this baby fight sleep!
It is so very frustrating. We spend 30 + minutes putting him to sleep with white noise, singing, rocking, swaddling, shushing, which only results in crying, kicking, and screaming. Eventually he tires himself out and sleeps, only to wake again after his first sleep cycle. After extensive Google Research, I found that babies sleep cycles are only 30 minutes and some babies struggle getting from one to the other. MY BABY! After 30 minutes of a nap, we often have to go through a whole new patch of putting him to sleep. Once he is a sleep again, he usually finally stays asleep for 1 hour to 2.
I ordered the book "The 90-minute Baby Sleep Solution" by Polly Moore. I am excited to learn from her. I also like the book "The Happiest Baby on the block" by Harvey Karp. This is also a DVD.
Below is an interview of Harvey Karp explaining his 5 S's to induce the baby calming reflex. Very interesting. I use these on Micah, and they certainly work! I also try to do his concept of putting Micah down in his bed sleepy but not asleep so he can learn to go to sleep on his own. This should help him get past the first sleep cycle.
The biggest thing I have been learning with this sleep cycle is again, listen to your baby! When Micah starts rubbing his eyes, yawning, and getting fussy, I know it is time to start our sleep routine. I just wish it was not a long, hard routine like it is.
Because of this sleep trouble, I have literally thrown the BabyWise Book away. The routine and principles it preached did not fit Micah. By the time I get Micah to stay asleep, it is not long before he will be waking up from hunger. BabyWise wanted you to stay in the routine - wake, sleep, feed, wake, sleep feed..... I feed before he sleeps. He seems to go to sleep better and stay asleep longer.
I struggled a lot in trying to find some routine with Micah at all.... actually, I still am! With the colic, then this sleep struggle, routine was never found. I know it is not good for him, but I am doing my best. He is growing , sleeping, eating, and learning. My job is done, even if it is not done neatly and "right".
Friday, June 22, 2012
The First Month
No one told me that being a Mommy is a daily surrender to yourself. I wake up every morning (and several times a night) asking God for help, perseverance, and patience. He entrusted me with this soul, now I have to do my very best. I drive myself silly about "doing the right thing" for Micah that I sometimes forget that loving him is where Mommyhood begins.
The first month has been a series of unfortunate events. We were overwhelmed with the outpouring of meals, dishes done, laundry finished, and baby holding that was at our constant beck and call! The support and love Micah has received will raise him up to be such a Godly Man! (It takes a village... right?) But just as Matt and I were finding the balance and routine of our new tiny family, BAM! Appendicitis!
I ended up spending 5 days and 4 nights in the hospital with an appendicitis and surgery scheduled for August 1st. Thankfully, Matt and Micah got to stay with me so I could still breastfeed and bond. Poor Matt had to play "Mom" with the diaper changes, constant cuddling, and nap time. To say the least, I was very discouraged with the timing. Why now? But my boys were such troopers!
After the hospital it was terribly hard to find a routine in anything! Micah wasn't sleeping well, wasn't latching well, wasn't responding to us in anyway. I blamed it on the hospital upset until Micah's one month appointment. As I was telling his doctor about the new symptoms, he told me that is sounds very much like colic.
COLIC? Really God? Micah must have heard him say that word because as soon as he was diagnosed with colic, it got 10x worse! Constant fussiness in the evenings, and the worst part is his latching and breastfeeding is a constant battle. He latches for a few minutes and then cries so hard that it is impossible for him to get a full meal. It is terribly discouraging to watch your baby reject you and go hungry. So I pump and cringe as he gets use to bottles.
It has taken me to this point to finally admit that I do not know what I am doing and I am humbly going to see a lactation consultant today. I am encouraged because I want to fix this latching problem, but I am so sad because I feel like I failed.
After many tears, and Matt convincing me it is nothing personal, Micah encouraged me to keep going with his very first REAL smile :) I couldn't help but smile back with tears in my eyes.
I CAN do this. One day at a time.
His First Month Pictures:
Thursday, May 24, 2012
The Birth Story
Disclaimer: You may be uncomfortable with some personal information given within my Birth Story.
God's Timing is Perfect!
First, for school, I had to get through May 3rd to not have to come back the last few days of school for insurance reasons. May 3rd rolls around and I feel a sense of relief knowing I made it! That day, I start having slight labor pains hours apart. I did not know if they "braxton hics" or REAL labor pains. I prayed and prayed to just make it though the school day, and I did! I knew I might not be coming back so I even stayed late to make sure all my long-term substitute stuff was out and in order.
During the evening on May 3rd, I start having harder and more frequent labor pains, so I start getting antsy and anxious because it was happening! As the evening unfolds they continually get closer and worse. The doctor instructs not to call until contractions are 5 minutes apart for an entire hour and the contractions have to be severe enough to not be able to talk or walk through them. We were not quite there at that point, but because they were slowly getting worse and closer, I knew it has begun!
I told Matt to go to bed early, and since the pain was bad enough I could not sleep, I just paced the entire night. Finally at 4:00 am I woke Matt up and told him he should start timing them because they were getting near 5 minutes apart. As we were timing them, my water broke at 5:00 am. To the hospital we go!
The ride to the hospital seemed like it took forever! We had to go through the ER, and get in the ugly robe. Matt is starting to have to coach me through the contractions because my whole body would tense up and my natural instinct was to hold my breath, which is the opposite of what you are suppose to do! Contractions were much worse and more scary then I even imagined.
They emit me to the Labor and Deliver Room around 6:00 am and I was at 3cm dilated. (You have to be at 10 cm dilated to push). I was asking for my epidural immediately! I went in this thinking I would try a natural birth, HAHAHA yeah right! :) My suggestion to the ladies who want to have a completely natural birth, practice breathing and Lamaze more than once!
The Epidural was awful to administer because they kick Matt out, and the nurse breaths you through the contractions as they are trying to find the appropriate place in your back. Then they inform you : DO NOT MOVE or we could seriously hurt you by hitting a nerve. This sounds simple, but for a women having contraction pains, it is very difficult and a little scary!
20 minutes after my Epidural, I do not feel a thing! Yay! My nurse tells me to rest, and I fall asleep for three hours! Hooray!
She wakes me up around 10:00 to clean me up and to see if I have progressed. She checks and I am surprisingly 9 cm! That means I slept through the hard part of labor. I feel no pressure, which means it is not time to push however. So they treat me to a popsicle, and I relax for a little longer.
Around an hour later, my doctor arrives and my nurse, Matt, and an EMT guy in training begin pushing. You have to imagine this first: I can not feel my legs so Matt and Mr. EMT have to hold my legs up so high that my knees are touching my ears. With every contraction I push three times. Pushing involves every muscle and fiber of my being to push. Your private area is out for everybody to see with a light shining right on it. With every contraction the nurse has to clean you up from "bloody show". Often she even had to change the sheet under me. Your sense of dignity is out the window!
For an hour or so, pushing seems to be going well and I am getting the hang of it. Two hours roll around and I am getting exhausted, and I am starting to wonder if I am doing this right. I start asking "how much longer", "What am I doing wrong", and I start to lose confidence.
The resident doctor and my OBGYN start to come in and watch me push because this is starting to take too long and they are starting to deduce something is not going right. My doctor puts an ungodly amount of pressure in there as he pokes around to see if the baby is positioned correctly.
At this point, it is going on 3 hours of pushing, I am exhausted, and I am asking the doctor about other options. The options he gives me:
1. C-Section
2. Forceps
3. Suction
I seriously do not want to deal with an incision and do a C-Section after all of this hard pushing, so that is out. I choose Suction, but I ask to rest a little first because I did not have it in me to push anymore, and my feeling is coming back because the epidural is wearing off.
They agree to let me rest for a while, so they give me another dose of epidural and I rest for an hour.
After an hour, 10 + people come into the room to watch the action! How intimidating! There are extra nurses there for Micah because of the extra risks that go with using the suction. There is my doctor's assistant, the Resident, my Doctor, my Nurse, and several extra nurses for Micah. I even think there were some nurses in training that needed to see the suction in use.
As I push, the room goes silent and the doctor helps me out with the suction. As he does the suction he realizes what was causing the delay: Micah has his chin tucked in his chest, which means he was trying to come out with the back of his head first instead of the top of it. This obviously did not work. The doctor uses the suction to simply adjust his head, and Micah is out in less than 10 pushes!
The nurses take him and clean him up then I enjoyed skin-to-skin time! I was crying when I saw Micah, Matt kept saying "You did it! You did it!" and I did! It was so nice to finally have him with me!
The only downfall of the suction: I did tear funny down there, which caused extra stitches and quite a bit more soreness and healing time, but I would take that over the C-Section any day!
Micah Alexander Smucker
May 4th 2012
3:39 pm
7 pounds 7 ounces
20 inches long

Tuesday, May 1, 2012
The Hardest Part
I am HUGE! Here is a picture to prove it:
This is me at 38 weeks.
The last few weeks have proven to be the hardest for me. I am having trouble sleeping, and I am constantly tired. I have swollen feet and fingers. I waddle like a penguin. BUT it is all worth it in the end..... right? :)
Micah has officially "dropped". I can breath better, but now my ribs and bladder has become his constant squeeze toys.
My emotions are a mixed variety of anxious, worried, humbled, petrified, excited, elated, nervous, scared, ready....
We are packed and ready for the hospital. Brandon and Jessica gave me a really neat "kit" for the hospital that included all necessary items from hair ties to sweets to pack too! Thank you!
I have stopped reading any books or articles because I find myself becoming overwhelmed with new information at this point, and I am too tired to read by the time I get home from work. I often take a "cat nap" as the hubby makes dinner.
I am thankful for a loving husband that bothers me about practicing my breathing, doing Kegal exercises, and wearing tenni shoes instead of my vain attempts with flats. He even puts up with my "nesting" :)
Talking about nesting, the nursery is complete! Take a look:
I can't wait for my nursery to smell like a baby! :)
I am blessed with my Mom willing to stay with me several days after I bring baby home! I will be grateful for a experienced helper with the baby, not to mention help with catching up with the daily chores. Thank you Mommy!
I might even be a Mother on Mother's Day this year!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Baby Showers
Matt and I are blessed with amazing support! It has truly blessed me to see the support Micah already has through gifts and attendance at the Baby Showers. It gives me real confidence as a Mom! If they believe I can, I CAN!
I now understand the importance of showing support in these ways!
My Co-workers blessed me beyond compare! I was astonished at the attendance and outpouring of gifts and support! Below is a picture of all the "things" they gave me! I was overwhelmed! I was overwhelmed again today as I was writing out Thank You Cards.
THEN I had the fun of hanging out with the College Girls again! Wipee! It was fun just to see them again! These girls always make my day with their genuine high spirits!
One more baby shower to go, this Saturday! The best part? My SISTER will be in town! Pictures to come :)
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Mommy Interview
Matt and I were watching ads for a Video Camera as a tool to capture Micah as he grows up. We found one! Below is our first baby fun with the video.
Together, Matt and I worked up interview questions regarding Micah. We interviewed each other. This was very entertaining for both of us! Below is the Mommy Interview.
Soon to come: Daddy interview!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Material Items
First off, Happy 29 weeks Micah!
Here is his most recent picture:
Although we have already went and registered at two different stores, I find myself nervously checking over and adding or taking items off of our registries. I then humbly came to the ugly epiphany:
I have no idea what I am doing!!!
I have been overwhelmed recently with the plethora of "things" you need for a baby! So many opinions, products and necessary material items, that I am officially overwhelmed! It is scary because I do not even know where to begin! I do not know how to take care of a baby; therefore, I have no clue the necessary items needed.
It is even harder because what do I truly "need" and what is merely "convenient". I cannot even separate the two.
My friend Caroline's recent blog gave some insight: DakotaGirl: What do you really need for a baby?
Will you help? I am humbly coming to ANYONE that will help to ask for the very necessary items that helped you or that you suggest!
After a few months of actually having baby, I will generate my list of "needs" and "conveniences" to help other moms out... because I am sure I'll have an opinion too :)
Article of the week: "Mother Lover; keep your relationship strong when baby creates a new plus one" by Sarah Granger from the magazine Pregnancy and New Born
Matt very much spoiled me last night by taking me makeup shopping! I haven't had new makeup since our wedding, and he wanted to make me feel beautiful. The best part is that he took a real interest in what I wanted and helped me pick out different shades and brands that would look best on me :) I love my dear husband, so I find this article a good reminder of how the marriage still has to remain strong, and that only happens when you intentionally put effort into it!
The article outlines several steps for the Wife to take to intentionally reconnect with her Husband.
1. Plan Ahead- Talk about the changes and expectations for the newborn baby. Divvy up chores and have a plan, but yet be willing to be flexible and work together.
2. Judge Not- Give him a break! If he is trying, he deserves credit!
3. Make Time- date night should be a priority!
4. Feel the Love- Intimacy
5. Speak up- Communicate honestly and openly!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
New! New! New!
28 weeks
Here I am with a new rounder belly! With this belly comes back pain and rib pain! Baby Micah seems to be growing at a substantial rate with a lot of gumption! :) Most people are shocked to realize I am only at 28 weeks! They usually tactfully say that I am rather large for this stage in pregnancy... I don't mind the attention to my belly as long as the weight gain stays in the belly!
My dear husband got me a new special heat pad to alleviate some of the pain. What a good hubby!
We used my pregnancy as an excuse to buy a long-overdue new mattress and bed frame! We hope this alleviates more pain and aids in sleep.
Article of the week: "Rearing for Happiness" from the magazine New Parent by Nancy Gottesman
This articles touches on "Attachment Parenting" coined by William Sears M.D. It is quite contradictory with the Babywise method. I find it interesting enough to put in my repertoire for Micah.
The article outlines four infant-rearing practices that are instinctive and science-based (so they claim at least)
The Four Practices are:
1. Gives lots of positive touch. Cuddle, carry and hold your baby.
2. Respond quickly to your baby's cries and fusses.
3. Nurse frequently and for as many months as possible. (I slightly disagree with this one just because I want Micah to get a full meal instead of just a snack, which naturally will decrease the number of times I actually nurse him)
4. Sleep near your baby.
Monday, January 30, 2012
25 Weeks and Counting!
I am 25 weeks!
15 weeks to go!
Nearing my third trimester!
Checked off the "To-Do List":
Matt and I have been very busy. We have pre-registered for the hospital and signed up for classes. We will be taking Birth Class, Breastfeeding, and Daddy Boot Camp all in March.
Since I am a planner, I am starting to set the date for baby showers, and I have been staying late after school to plan the rest of the school year out so I can prepare for the long-term substitute.
Matt has been remodeling our entry hallway, which includes installing an energy-efficient door, new door trims, spackling, and painting. I hate how home projects make the house look worse before it starts to look better. I am glad he is joining in on the "nesting" though.
Baby Micah:
He has been moving more often! Matt gets to feel him "dance" most nights as we cuddle up for bed. Anytime now I will feel the infamous hiccups since his vocal cords are now developed.
At the last doctor's visit they informed me I have a fibroid, which is a small nonmalignant growth in my uterus. It will not effect my pregnancy as long as it stays small. He says not to worry, but of course, I worry. I also have something called Group B Strep, which is a virus in my vagina. They will give me special antibiotics in the hospital to ensure that it does not pick up the virus as it passes through during labor. I just thank God for technology and the ability to be proactive about potential dangers. Next time at the doctor's they will be testing for Gestational Diabetes. I am not looking forward to drinking the orange goop before hand.
My favorite book to look up all these new and scary things the doctor tells me about is What to Expect When You're Expecting. I just like the index where I can look up these words and be informed. Matt always asks why I don't use the internet, but just like recipes, I want a resource that someone recommends so I know I can trust it instead of a endless amount of information and not knowing which one is "the best".
New Side Effects:
-Leg Cramps in the middle of the night
-Very tired and emotional
-Waddling, which equals back pain since my sense of balance is changing it puts strain on my back.
What I am Learning:
I have been enjoying the many free magazines that are given out when you register at stores, register at hospitals, and register for a doctor.
My favorite magazines so far:
-Becoming Us- by Toys R Us and Babies R Us
Another important website is the AAP - which are all the guidelines and laws set in place to keep infants safe.
As I read these magazines I will be buzzing by to tell you about particular articles I found helpful. Next time I promise a belly picture too :) Micah seems to be growing every day!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Kindergartners on Pregnancy
I teach Kindergarten at a small Christian School. They have had a very unique experience because this particular class has been with me through this entire pregnancy and will even get to meet him!
They helped me spread the news about my pregnancy at the beginning of the year, and they have watched my belly grow. Every so often I tell them how big the baby is, possibly with age-appropriate pictures. I will have the Micah at the end of the school year, and I hope to bring him in so they can meet him one of the last days of school.
The day we were going to have the Ultrasound to reveal if it was a boy or girl I had them predict and graph what they think it would be. I told them the next day I would wear a blue shirt if it was a boy, and I would wear a pink shirt if it was a girl. It was so fun to watch them tearing into the room and announcing; "It's a BOY!" Kids always make everything more exciting!
Some funny questions and quotes about babies and pregnancy from the minds of Kindergartners:
Me: The Baby is about a foot long this week!
Student: Like Subway?
Other Students: *Singing* Five dollar, five dollar, five dollar foot lonnnnnnng
Me: The baby is the size of a peach this week
Next Day: Here is a peach for you! It's like your baby! I prayed for your peach today!
Student: Does the baby pee in there?
Student: (Right after Christmas break when they haven't seen me for two weeks)
WOW! Your baby is getting fat!
Student: How do they know if it's a boy or girl?
Me: They take a picture from the inside and they can tell from the picture
Student: So the baby is naked? Ewwwww!
Student: How does the baby get in there?
Student: I was never THAT small!
Student: Does the baby eat your leftovers?
Student: *Hugging my belly* Do you think I can squeeze it out?
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Thank you!
I am loving the outpouring of love and advice in response to this blog! I adore hearing from family and friends giving me advice and encouragement! Keep it coming! I love it! Feel free to message, comment, or email any time! I am open to any and all advice because I am a humble first-time Mom that cannot get enough information! I love the links, comments, and words of caution. Thank you for being you!
Since I promoted BabyWise, it is only fair for me to post what the "other side" claims. This link was given to me from a very dear friend, and I think it is very eye-opening and important to read.
With any Theory, I believe it is important to hear and read about both sides and make a judgement call solely relying on your conscience and instincts you have as a Mom. I am starting to believe that I will personally take parts and pieces from several theories, and use them according to what Micah's unique needs are, which I wont know until he is here. This is why I feel the need to emphasis the need to be a critical thinker when reviewing theories and never pick one to follow blindly but be knowledgeable and apply the parts and pieces that you feel fit your baby.
BabyWise parts and pieces I still like:
- The emphasis on full meals instead of "snacking"
-The huge emphasis on breast feeding
-Their suggestion of making the three essential times in this order: Feeding, Wake Time, Sleep.
Also, my cousin gave me a great link to cloth diapers! I am excited to learn more about them as a possibility.
Another research topic lately:
Charlie |
My dear doggies. How do you help them transition into being a big brother and sister to a baby? Research to follow.
Friday, January 20, 2012
The Basic Needs of a Baby
After much reading I have come to my conclusion about the basic needs of newborn babies.
This relates very closely to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. These facts did not surprise me; what did however, is all the theories, debates, and instincts that go into helping your baby fulfill all of their basic needs. You have a plethora of choices and ways to fulfill these needs, which is again, daunting!
There are two main extreme theories to feeding your baby; demand-feeding or rigid scheduling. Demand-feeding means every time your baby cries, feed them! Rigid scheduling is you keep to a very strict schedule and only feed him when the clock tells you to. The theory I like best is in the middle of the two extremes. It is called BabyWise. This theory was suggested to me by a mother at the school I teach at, and she convinced me to read the book simply because she has happy, content children.
My disclaimer: I do not plan to follow any one theory blindly but allow God to develop my instincts and use these theories to be knowledgeable to what my unique Micah needs. Also, Micah is not here and I am merely planning, this could fall through the cracks.
Basically, in my own words, BabyWise combines flexible scheduling with parental assessment. This means that you establish a routine within the bounds of lovingly providing your baby with food by using parental assessment and common instincts instead of following the clock blindly. It puts a huge emphasis on not allowing your baby to "snack" throughout the day, but be very intentional about getting full meals at every feeding. Full feedings ensure that baby receives appropriate nutrition from the better-caloric milk that comes only from breastfeeding for an appropriate amount of time each session.
In theory, if you intentionally give full meals, baby will naturally fall in a hunger cycle that is developmentally appropriate, which promotes better sleeping and more content and happy awake times. Wouldn't any mother want that?
Babywise scheduling promotes better sleeping patterns. Within the first two months, baby should be sleeping through most of the night according to this book. The big debate is; do you ever allow your baby to cry themselves to sleep or do you not allow that emotional trauma? Depends why they are crying. The book goes into how to decipher and read their cries. I would be willing to let him cry himself to sleep only under extreme conditions that require us to endure that heart-break for the better good for him in the long-run.
***One thing I have learned from teaching: You HAVE to do what is better for little ones instead of what is easier at the moment. Doing what is best for them can be extremely heart-breaking and hard to do, but the best long-term outcome will be worth it!
Bonding is essential. Silly songs and cuddling are the things I am looking forward to the most. We already talk to Micah a lot in the womb, and silly songs are already being formed to sing to him :) I read over and over again how important it is to stimulate your baby with faces, touch, and your voice. They come out of the womb already knowing the Mom's voice, which is so precious! Their sense of hearing is developed very early on. Also, they can only visually focus several inches away, which is the perfect amount for them to focus in and study faces as we hold them. God knew what he was doing, didn't He? I am reminded of the Bible Passage:
Yuck! We have decided for the convenience of disposable diapers. My Mennonite ways cringe at the waste, but I cannot muster up the courage to do cloth diapers. I wish our society would make it easier to do cloth diapers. I have heard there are programs that pick up a sack of dirty diapers at your door and deliver clean cloth diapers every week. That seems like a rich luxury that is not feasible, but a lady can wish!
1. Feeding
2. Sleeping
3. Love
4. Diapering
This relates very closely to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. These facts did not surprise me; what did however, is all the theories, debates, and instincts that go into helping your baby fulfill all of their basic needs. You have a plethora of choices and ways to fulfill these needs, which is again, daunting!
There are two main extreme theories to feeding your baby; demand-feeding or rigid scheduling. Demand-feeding means every time your baby cries, feed them! Rigid scheduling is you keep to a very strict schedule and only feed him when the clock tells you to. The theory I like best is in the middle of the two extremes. It is called BabyWise. This theory was suggested to me by a mother at the school I teach at, and she convinced me to read the book simply because she has happy, content children.
My disclaimer: I do not plan to follow any one theory blindly but allow God to develop my instincts and use these theories to be knowledgeable to what my unique Micah needs. Also, Micah is not here and I am merely planning, this could fall through the cracks.
Basically, in my own words, BabyWise combines flexible scheduling with parental assessment. This means that you establish a routine within the bounds of lovingly providing your baby with food by using parental assessment and common instincts instead of following the clock blindly. It puts a huge emphasis on not allowing your baby to "snack" throughout the day, but be very intentional about getting full meals at every feeding. Full feedings ensure that baby receives appropriate nutrition from the better-caloric milk that comes only from breastfeeding for an appropriate amount of time each session.
In theory, if you intentionally give full meals, baby will naturally fall in a hunger cycle that is developmentally appropriate, which promotes better sleeping and more content and happy awake times. Wouldn't any mother want that?
Babywise scheduling promotes better sleeping patterns. Within the first two months, baby should be sleeping through most of the night according to this book. The big debate is; do you ever allow your baby to cry themselves to sleep or do you not allow that emotional trauma? Depends why they are crying. The book goes into how to decipher and read their cries. I would be willing to let him cry himself to sleep only under extreme conditions that require us to endure that heart-break for the better good for him in the long-run.
***One thing I have learned from teaching: You HAVE to do what is better for little ones instead of what is easier at the moment. Doing what is best for them can be extremely heart-breaking and hard to do, but the best long-term outcome will be worth it!
Bonding is essential. Silly songs and cuddling are the things I am looking forward to the most. We already talk to Micah a lot in the womb, and silly songs are already being formed to sing to him :) I read over and over again how important it is to stimulate your baby with faces, touch, and your voice. They come out of the womb already knowing the Mom's voice, which is so precious! Their sense of hearing is developed very early on. Also, they can only visually focus several inches away, which is the perfect amount for them to focus in and study faces as we hold them. God knew what he was doing, didn't He? I am reminded of the Bible Passage:
Psalm 139:12-14
New International Version (NIV)
12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
What scares me the most is the possibility of struggling to bond with the baby because of weepiness and hormones, or traumatic events that could take place in the Hospital, which would call for incubation or other extreme measures that would make it harder to bond physically because of time or placement.
Yuck! We have decided for the convenience of disposable diapers. My Mennonite ways cringe at the waste, but I cannot muster up the courage to do cloth diapers. I wish our society would make it easier to do cloth diapers. I have heard there are programs that pick up a sack of dirty diapers at your door and deliver clean cloth diapers every week. That seems like a rich luxury that is not feasible, but a lady can wish!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
I am going to be a Mom!
I am going to be a Mom!
It is a humbling experience to know God has entrusted one of his most precious gems to my husband and I. We have an incredible journey ahead of us, and it is very scary and exciting.
Here is Matt and I at Christmas
I have decided to make a blog about this fun journey we are embarking on. I will tell stories, rant, and even share my opinion once in a while.
A little background: My husband and I have been married for two years before we decided to try to have a baby. We were shocked to get pregnant immediately. Of course we couldn't contain ourselves so we shared the news as soon as we knew. This is the first ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy. It was so neat because you could literally see the heart beating. It was right at six weeks. Matt says it looks like a veloceraptor, so that is what we called it for a while.
I am blessed with an easy pregnancy so far *knocks on wood* with little nausea and pain. I am quite emotional. I cried during a movie preview! Not a movie, the PREVIEW. And not just cry, bawl! Here's the trailer. I am also noticing back pain because of my changing sense of balance. I have gained 20+ pounds all in one area, so I tend to waddle, which puts strain on my back and feet.
Matt (my husband) is such a blessing! He massages my back, puts up with my tears (sometimes just laughs at them because I get embarrassed when I cry for no reason, so then I laugh... so it turns into this laugh-cry, which is even MORE embarrassing!), and is very protective. He escorts me through the snow, and is willing to be at my beck-and-call. I will have to make sure he gets his "guys night" soon.
I am now 24 weeks. We know it's a BOY! We have decided to name him Micah Alexander. I had to get over the fact that I will not be buying pink ruffly things or bows. I was a wee bit sad, but now I have the big brother. His middle name means "Protector and defender of mankind", which goes with being a good big brother! Here I am at 22 weeks:
Finally you can see I am pregnant! I am an attention whore, so I LOVE when people touch my belly or compliment me! I do indeed glow!
Micah is due on May 12th, which is cool because that's my Mom's Birthday. So maybe they will share a birthday! AND it's just a few days before Mother's Day... so maybe I'll get to celebrate it this year! :)
Our Most Daunting Tasks so Far:
-Hospital Tours. We had to ask dumb questions like "What is a Triage Room?"
- Realizing I'm not just pregnant, but I am going to have a baby! What do I do with a baby? I literally looked up how to "swaddle" a baby. It is scary to be on the precipice of all the knowledge you have to know to take care of a baby. The more you learn the more you know you don't know. Ahh!
-Did you know you had to push for hours at labor? It's not just one push and you're done! It's literally HOURS of pushing. Ouch!
-Registering- "What is THIS?", what do I really need vs. want?
Our To Do List:
-Pre-register for our hospital. We decided to go to General. Mostly because they do this thing called "Skin-to-Skin Time". I loved the idea. It's literally an allotted time right after birth that the Mom or Dad sets the baby on their chest. It helps the baby transition , and it is bonding time for the parents. They said the mom literally has hormones in their chest that regulate the babies body temperature, heartbeat, and hormones. And this way I get some time alone with my Micah!
-Register for classes at the hospital: Birth Class, Breast-Feeding Class, and Daddy Daycare. The more you know the better... right?
-Read lots and lots of books so I can pretend like I know what I am doing.
-Start to get ready for my long-term substitute. That's a scary process because I am more of a take it week-by-week teacher. Preparing for 5+ weeks of teaching at the end of the school year more than 4 months away is a very scary task.
Below are more Ultrasounds of Micah: These were taken at 22 weeks.
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