Sunday, January 22, 2012

Kindergartners on Pregnancy

I teach Kindergarten at a small Christian School.  They have had a very unique experience because this particular class has been with me through this entire pregnancy and will even get to meet him!  

They helped me spread the news about my pregnancy at the beginning of the year, and they have watched my belly grow.  Every so often I tell them how big the baby is, possibly with age-appropriate pictures.  I will have the Micah at the end of the school year, and I hope to bring him in so they can meet him one of the last days of school.  

The day we were going to have the Ultrasound to reveal if it was a boy or girl I had them predict and graph what they think it would be.  I told them the next day I would wear a blue shirt if it was a boy, and I would wear a pink shirt if it was a girl.  It was so fun to watch them tearing into the room and announcing; "It's a BOY!"   Kids always make everything more exciting!  

Some funny questions and quotes about babies and pregnancy from the minds of Kindergartners:

Me:  The Baby is about a foot long this week!
Student:  Like Subway? 
Other Students: *Singing* Five dollar, five dollar, five dollar foot lonnnnnnng

Me:  The baby is the size of a peach this week
Next Day:  Here is a peach for you!  It's like your baby!  I prayed for your peach today!

Student:  Does the baby pee in there?

Student:  (Right after Christmas break when they haven't seen me for two weeks)
WOW!  Your baby is getting fat!  

Student:  How do they know if it's a boy or girl?
Me:  They take a picture from the inside and they can tell from the picture
Student:   So the baby is naked?  Ewwwww!

Student:  How does the baby get in there?

Student:  I was never THAT small!

Student:  Does the baby eat your leftovers?  

Student:  *Hugging my belly*  Do you think I can squeeze it out?


  1. Great take and I LOVE the quotes - was going to quote my favorite one back in the this comment, but basically I would be re-posting what you posted haha.

  2. I love those! So funny! The Subway one was my favorite. :)
