I am loving the outpouring of love and advice in response to this blog! I adore hearing from family and friends giving me advice and encouragement! Keep it coming! I love it! Feel free to message, comment, or email any time! I am open to any and all advice because I am a humble first-time Mom that cannot get enough information! I love the links, comments, and words of caution. Thank you for being you!
Since I promoted BabyWise, it is only fair for me to post what the "other side" claims. This link was given to me from a very dear friend, and I think it is very eye-opening and important to read.
With any Theory, I believe it is important to hear and read about both sides and make a judgement call solely relying on your conscience and instincts you have as a Mom. I am starting to believe that I will personally take parts and pieces from several theories, and use them according to what Micah's unique needs are, which I wont know until he is here. This is why I feel the need to emphasis the need to be a critical thinker when reviewing theories and never pick one to follow blindly but be knowledgeable and apply the parts and pieces that you feel fit your baby.
BabyWise parts and pieces I still like:
- The emphasis on full meals instead of "snacking"
-The huge emphasis on breast feeding
-Their suggestion of making the three essential times in this order: Feeding, Wake Time, Sleep.
Also, my cousin gave me a great link to cloth diapers! I am excited to learn more about them as a possibility.
Another research topic lately:
Charlie |
My dear doggies. How do you help them transition into being a big brother and sister to a baby? Research to follow.
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